Citáty z knih

"Máš oči jako tabák" (Václav Hrabě)
"Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself." (Virginia Woolf)
"Láska je." (Paulo Coelho)
"Na cestě není cíl, cesta je cíl." (Beat Generation)

12 září, 2007

i am here wishing be taken away

i wanna go out!
Where? Do I know it?
If i knew, i would take off.

Is it real? Is it real to go to the place of peace and love? Somewhere where real friends are?
and where i recognize my love?

SONG - (Is it real to go to the place of peace and love? Where real friends are
and where could i recognize my love?)

Wake up! Ups, just a dream.
"You are a dreamer" told me some person, and do you know, that your life will be hard? Because for them, who are dreamers the life is very, very hard, full of sorrow, most time full of sorrow, waiting for just one lucky day.

I´m waiting for this day, full of peace and love, when my dreams will come true and i will be lucky, just one minute of happiness..
this is for me enough.
i don´t need much
But where´s the time?
Is it goin´ to happen?
Or have i been waiting needlessly?

I´m full of feelings....

such strange feelings...
i´ve never expected they exist..
just one, two, five minutes....
it helps...

just one piece of world, full of oxygen, me and you...
it´s enough.... and it doesn´t depend on me,
not yet

... (oh no, you´re not here..?)

just get to know, how nice would it be...
what else should i do?
what am i allowes to do?
i know, we´re two mountains
and world´s between us

Bulshits, no points in these sentences..or?
I don´t know...maybe one day...

i´ll see... more then now

wake up and live your dreams! ...

shut up...
it´s not real...
reality is absurdity...

a nd i have to like it, ´cause nothing else remains... years... time goes on
but, hope dies at the end, doesn´t it?....
i believe...

My Only One Desire Hold On! Keep On!
In your way to reach the paradise...
paradise for Me and You...
who are you?
Can you identify yourself?
... ... ...
Are you looking into the mirror?
do you think about it? think!
... who are you? Are you You?
am i waiting for you?...
... don´t you believe?

be sure, i do
the real lover still exists
and is here...

it´s me!
just open the door...
here´s the key...

use your key,
you were given by me,
use your key
not your loaf.
your //...././.-/.-./-//
opens the life.

3 komentáře:

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Love? What is love? It is only chemical reactions or something more, what do you think?

Falco - nas pejsek řekl(a)...

My answer is: Soul...what is soul? :) i don´t know what is love, but i need it... more and more... i will say to you, what is love up to i´ll find it.

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Odpovím ne přímo na příspěvek, ale na tyto komentáře jedním citátem: "Říci, že O začala na svého milence čekat ve chvíli, kdy odešel, bylo málo:nic než noc a čekání jakoby pro ni od té chvíle neexistovalo." Uvažovat o tom, co je to láska je nesmírně složité. Je to cit založený na důvěře, tolerantnosti a oboustranných ústupcích, schopnosti odpouštět a schopnosti porozumět tomu druhému. Když se skutečně sejdou dva lidé, kteří si vzájemně padnou do oka, je to velmi cenný dar.